
Our blog offers free legal education based on the work we do with
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Client Updates Katherine de Vos Devine Client Updates Katherine de Vos Devine

Legal Consultations: What to Expect

How do you find a lawyer who understands you and your legal needs? Most lawyers offer consultations to help you decide if their approach suits your needs, but it’s important to know the difference between free and paid consultations. Let’s explore the benefits of both.

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Contracts, Copyright Katherine de Vos Devine Contracts, Copyright Katherine de Vos Devine

Sex, Copyright, and Consent

Before I was a lawyer, I was a sex educator teaching young adults about outercourse, orgasms, and violence prevention. I know a lot about human sexuality and a lot about intellectual property, and here’s what I know for sure: Sex and intellectual property are about relationships.

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Estate Planning Katherine de Vos Devine Estate Planning Katherine de Vos Devine

What is a Creative Legacy?

Your legacy encompasses the creations you have made during your lifetime. However, it also extends beyond tangible works to include the contributions you have made to your communities - your impact on your field, your influence on other creatives, and the cultural resonance of your work.

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