The List
Are you on the list? Go to the head of the line.
Seamless legal guidance for creative businesses
Our clients went into business to share their craft with the world. But it can be frustrating and time-consuming to balance daily business tasks with artistic endeavors. That’s why clients come to us to reduce the stress of legal and financial issues.
The List gives clients immediate and direct access to our art- and business-savvy attorneys to handle those “just a quick question” inquiries and legal concerns that keep you up at night. When you’re on The List, you have a lawyer and advocate at the ready who has your back.
Clients on The List never have to worry about a big bill for a short question. Instead, responses to limited questions (which are among the most common legal advice we give) are included in your monthly membership fee.
When you have a more substantive project that needs a heavier legal lift, we waive our regular consultation fee to discuss the scope of the project and recommend next steps.
The List gives you:
Priority availability
Access to client portal
No charge for quick questions via email (non-members are subject to a minimum billing rate of a quarter-hour)
Waiver of Attorney Q&A fees
Extended payment plans for project fees
Access to the Implement Tools template suite.
The List is $89/month, with a minimum commitment of 3 months. Before joining, new clients must complete Loops and Leaps or a Project Consultation.
Clients on The List who commit to 12 months of service also receive an annual review of legal, business, and financial systems. Similar to an annual doctor’s visit, this helps to maintain your ongoing business wellness and spot and address challenges. Because we have ongoing relationships with our clients on The List, our advice is based on a thorough and holistic understanding of your business.
The annual review includes:
Review of legal systems like business formation (LLC, incorporation, etc.), intellectual property protections, and contracts;
Update website terms and conditions, privacy policy, and disclaimers;
Maintenance of business entities, including any corporate compliance;
Review of financial systems, including the past year’s profit and loss and future budget projections;
Tax support in consultation with your CPA to maximize your tax opportunities;
Insurance support to review your insurance needs and keep you from being under-protected or from paying for unnecessary insurance coverage;
Review of your estate plan, including business succession planning.
Annual Review
Legal services are rarely one-and-done. Once the contract is signed, the business is formed, or the trademark is registered, you still need to take action periodically to make sure you don’t lose your rights. Our Monitoring Services take care of these ongoing tasks so you can focus on creating.
Contract Monitoring
Contracts don’t end when you sign. When your situation changes, law changes, or our attorneys learn something new, your contracts need to be updated. In addition, contracts often include obligations that parties must perform over time. When you sign up for Contract Monitoring, our team conducts an annual review of your Implement-drafted agreements to align with our latest recommendations and any changes in your business.
Fee: $99/year
Business Monitoring
Your LLC or corporation is registered in at least one state, but may also be registered in states where you have offices or employees. Each state has differing maintenance and fee requirements. It’s easy to overlook these requirements and be taken by surprise to find your business is no longer in good standing. When you sign up for Business Monitoring, Implement Legal acts as your registered agent, handles annual filings, and ensures ongoing compliance.
Fee: $49/month per state
Trademark Monitoring
We will regularly scan the USPTO database for attempted registrations of new marks that conflict with your registered mark. Being aware of potential conflicts helps you develop a brand protection strategy and keep your brand strong.
Fee: $49/month per mark
Monthly Strategy Meetings
We will hold a specific time on the calendar each month to review open issues, plan a new launch, consider difficult decisions, confer with your bookkeeper, discuss your dreams - whatever you need, we’re here for you.
Fee: $149/month
Bulk Hours
Bulk hours give our clients a simple way to manage legal fees. Bulk hours are our time, purchased in advance at a discounted rate. Buy the hours you anticipate you will need and use them any time.
When could bulk hours work for you? If you know you have ongoing legal needs and want to schedule predictable payments over the year, you can buy bulk hours in advance to spread the anticipated costs. If you’ve just received a grant or other payment, consider allocating some of that funding to discounted legal fees with bulk hours. Bulk hour packages start at 5 hour increments and can be used over a 12-month period. Additional discounts are applied with purchases over 25 hours per year.
Continuous Counsel
Continuous Counsel is our invitation-only outsourced general counsel service for clients with sizable ongoing legal needs. With a six-month minimum commitment, Continuous Counsel is a good fit for creative businesses experiencing rapid growth or major change that need daily or weekly legal advice. Many large companies – including those on the other side of the negotiation table from you – have in-house attorneys they can call on at any time. For a monthly fee customized to your legal needs, we provide the legal services of that in-house attorney.
For all services discussed above, government fees and legal filing fees are not included and will be invoiced to the client separately.
Special Services
“In-house counsel” are full-time lawyers at large organizations like Target or Apple. These lawyers provide immediate answers to legal matters that impact daily operations. In-house counsel is fully dedicated to a company; they have no other clients, deeply understand every aspect of the company, and advise leadership on policies and decisions that might not be specifically legal in nature, including marketing, hiring, acquisitions, and growth.
Small creative businesses usually don’t have full-time lawyer on staff, and sometimes don’t have a Chief Financial or Chief of Operations, either. Yet, they also need immediate answers to legal questions and guidance on operational decisions, too. But small businesses typically can’t afford to keep a full-time lawyer on staff, so they have to track down their attorney, get onto their schedule, and pay expensive hourly rates.
With Continous Counsel, you get the benefits of in-house counsel without the cost and commitment of hiring a full-time employee. Our team becomes intimately familiar with your creative business so that we can provide the advice you need when you need it.
Continuous Counsel clients have a fully separate track. They have a dedicated phone line and receive priority responses to time-sensitive matters. These clients also receive ongoing reviews of legal documents, intellectual property, financial systems, and insurance needs. Service plans include unlimited phone calls and emails, a monthly 90-minute review meeting, and quarterly meetings with bookkeepers and tax professionals. We select one major project to work on each month, such as an operating agreement, trademark registration, or employee agreement. We also manage outsourced legal services, consulting with colleagues on your behalf as necessary.
We offer three tiers of service as 6-month and 12-month plans, billed monthly.
Individualized Attention.
“Seeking legal counsel and services can be an intimidating prospect, which is why hiring Katherine was such a blessing. She combines trusted knowledge with high levels of individualized attention that made my experience feel deeply grounded in care and professionalism.”
Nicole McConville | Nicole McConville Photography
Implement offers affordable legal tools for
every size creative business.
Explore our sister site, Implement Tools, to see our expanded offerings.
Contract Templates
Built by attorneys, customized by creatives. Easy to use, and easy to understand.
Educational Resources
Learn about negotiating smooth agreements and collaborating well with others.